it’s always a good time!

The seasons are changing and much has been happening here in Tyler at The Forge! It’s been awhile since I’ve written an update- and I’m so eager to share about the last few months! As I spent time at home over Thanksgiving, it was sweet to remember each of you and thank the Lord for Him providing such an amazing support team and friends to share this journey with!
Since my last update we have completed and ratified our Covenant, been on 3 trips, and continued attending classes.
The Covenant:
As a class, all 27 of us are required to come up with a Covenant that defines our relationship with things such as TV, movies, cell phones, spiritual disciplines etc. All of these discussions were centered around the purpose statement we came up with for the year:
“We are here to be a Christ centered family: to grow in our understanding of our identity, to experience healing, and to love one another.” 
It was incredible how the Lord worked among us to create this purpose statement and SO exciting to have the hope of experiencing all of those things together. The Lord is doing a mighty work in each of us as we grow in our identity, experience healing and learn to love one another deeply. Through the Covenant making process it was a sweet and sometimes difficult time learning to be of one mind and heart as the body of Christ. We each laid down our own selfish desires and expectations for the best of the group. We have now have lived under our Covenant for six weeks and have experienced grace upon grace as we each desire to honor the Lord and each other in keeping it!
The three trips we have been on have been unbelievable!  The lessons learned on each trip are invaluable and life-changing. They have drawn us closer as a community and stretched us each personally. We have also had SO much fun getting to know each other more on these trips and making lasting memories. Matt and Cierra keep the destinations of each trip unknown until we arrive- which makes it more fun, but also creates feelings of uncertainty for those of us who like to be in control. We are learning to trust Matt and Cierra and walk by faith in following them, wherever they may take us! I have so much to share about these trips- so please reach out to hear the stories!! The Lord has revealed so much of the way He has designed me, what makes my heart beat fast, and things that I cling to when I’m in uncomfortable situations. This most recent trip will be one that I process for a long time because of how full of lessons it was… one piece of truth in particular that I’m praying will be cemented on my heart:
Our difficult circumstances are not an obstacle for our sanctification, but instead they are often the means to which our salvation and sanctification are accomplished. On the trip we were put in a difficult and stretching circumstance. I found myself wondering, questioning and filled with doubt because our circumstances had changed and I had lost control. But we see circumstances differently when we really believe in God’s love for us. Psalm 44 says that I can be a sheep in line to the slaughter house and still believe in God’s love for me. My belief changes my viewpoint on my circumstances; my circumstances don’t change my belief about who God is and how much He loves me.
As a family, we do everything together- all 27 of us attend class together everyday. We have a 19-hour class load each week and I’m continually overwhelmed, in the greatest way, because of the incredible knowledge and wisdom of the teachers we are learning from. It’s a privilege and I’m so thankful the Lord has provided this time in my life to dedicate to growing in the knowledge of Him. In the next week, we will have read 1,000 chapters of Scripture together through our daily Bible reading plan. It has been so rewarding to live submitted to the Word together and sharing the discipline of reading the Word as the very first and last thing we do each day.
For each of us to be here at The Forge for these 8 months we are responsible for fundraising $11,000 each by March. I have loved learning how to walk by faith with the Lord and see Him provide incredibly. He has used so many people to reveal His mighty power and provision to me. I’m thankful for everyone who has partnered with me to share in God’s plan for His glory being revealed through my life. At this point, I am coming very close to being 100% funded!! PRAISE THE LORD! I am eager to continue to see the Lord provide the rest of my support and prove Himself faithful in every penny. If you would like to partner with me through financial support I would be incredibly honored, please let me know and I will give you more information on how to do so!
Praise the Lord for:
     -As we each are seeking the Lord’s healing in our lives, He is doing a joyous work among us! We truly have laughed and had more fun together than I would have ever expected. I’m SO thankful that the Lord delights in showing us mercy and desires for us to enjoy Him as we enjoy each other!
Your prayers are my greatest blessing. Thank you for remembering me and my community here!
     -Our community to continue to learn to live submitted to the Word, considering each other as more significant than ourselves, and growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
     -My heart would be stirred to an unexplainable hunger for God’s Presence and Word. That the Lord Jesus would be my prized portion and greatest joy.
Thanks for taking the time to catch up with me! I LOVE hearing from you and would love to share more with you! Praying for you as we enter into this Christmas season and celebrate our Savior!!
“Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” Psalm 103:1-2
All is Grace,

The Family!

Sh’ma. Ratifying our Covenant.

Celebrating my birthday with Texas shaped waffles!

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3 Responses to it’s always a good time!

  1. Ben Hamilton says:

    This is great, Barbara I love getting glimpses of what the Lord is doing in your life and heart for His glory. I get so pumped! Praying for grace upon grace and perseverance for you! Love ya!

  2. Dennise Edwards says:

    Truly inspired by your blog. Please let us know how we can contribute to your fundraising. Can’t wait to hear more when we see you during your break. Please let me know when your going to be home for Christmas. All our love. Keith and Dennise

  3. daniel faulkner says:

    great perspective!

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